Wrentham High School Class of 1905, 1906, 1907, 1936, 1939 and 1940

Graduates from Wrentham High School. Relatives highlighted.


Class of 1900
Merrill Nelson Falk
Louise Adelaide Follett
Mildred Gardner Follett
George Allen Gilmore
Evelyn Soderberg Johnson
Clarence George McEwen
Elton Calvin Metcalf
Janes Earl Rogers
Anna Lawson Tillson
Bertha Eliza White
Bertha Mary Willard
Christina Darling Winter

Class of 1901
Irma R. Dimond
Blanche P, Fisher
Emma E. George
Mildred Proctor
Florence E. Warner

Class of 1902
Helen Monroe Bonney
Grace Getchell Brown
Thomas Henry Desmond
Solomon Gray Snow
Arthur Henry Thomas
Alden Deronza White
Fern Allena Wing

Class of 1903
Ethel G. Cook
Clide Elmes
Margaret Fales
Frank Jenks
Bramman Proctor
Frederick L. Redding
Elsie A. Winter

Class of 1904
Charles Whiting Bennett
John Hugh Dumican
Chester Edwin Fisher
Josephine Isabelle Folger
Fannie Josephine George
Arthur Chester Guild
Marion Inez Hall
Leroy Carroll Jenness
John Mitchell
Daisy Elizabeth Pond
Dexter Randall
William Irving Randall
Frank Elmer Snow
Elizabeth Louisa Swan
Velma Frances White
John Artemas Willard
Ethel May Wing
Charles Crane Winter

Class of 1905
Helen Frances Bennett graduate Wellesley 1910, Aunt of Mary Alice
Horace Francis Cook
Helen Marion Dunican
Delbert Ripley Guild

Class of 1906
Dora Louise Elmes
Irma Benson Farrington
Katherine Allura Harris
Ruth Rebecca Metcalf
Florence Helen Perry
Carl Furber Pond

Class of 1907
Jos¢oh Baptiste
Alice A. Bennett Mary Alice's mother
Edward P. Bennett (Cert. of Attainment)
Neta E. Bennett, Alice's cousins.
Frank S. Dumican
Walter F. Mullen (Cert. of Attainment)
Hallett R. Pierce
Evelyn G. Smith
William A. Startz
Esther B. Thomas
Harold Wade
Robert S. Winter

Class of 1908
Robert Winfield Allen
Frank Edward Farrington
Alfred Ellsworth George
Florence Mabel Pratt
Helen Irene Rice

Class of 1909
Marion Dimond
Dora Ferguson
Margaret B. Forster
Herbert 8. Randall
Howard Randall
Elsie Winter

Class of 1910
Herbert Larned Bartlett
Jossoh W. McEwen
Ida H, Outhouse
John A. Warren

Class of 1914
Ida May Bliek
Louise Manton Brastow
Dorothy Jane Caselton
Ethel I. Cook
Ursula May Cook
Gertrude May Holden
Loretta Brown Holden
Inporia Aurora Kenisto
Ruth Eliza Miller
Howard Baptiste Parker
Charles Edward Perry
Elsie Metcalf Quirk
Isabella Smith Winter
Mary Clark Winter

Class of 1915
Emily Cepurneek
Ilia Galleani
Marion S. Grant
Mary HacGregor
Doris M. Ware

Class of 1916
Francis 5. Brightman
Pearl Mitchell
Lewis F. Perry, Jr.
Doris Lyndal Playze
Lillian C. Quirk

Class of 1918

Mary Elizabeth Kirkton

Mary Elizabeth "Mae" Kirkton recalled that there were 5 boys and 2 girls in her graduation class. Girls did not wear corsages then and there was no place to go after graduation. Mae married Murray Winter who founded Winter Brothers Tap and Die.

Class of 1925

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1926

From 1935 "The Assemble"

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1927

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1928

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1929

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1930

From 1935 "The Assemble"

Class of 1931

From 1936 "The Assemble"

Class of 1932

From 1936 Assembler

Class of 1933
Margaret Bennett
Raymond George
Patricia Lynam
Thomas Wood
Merle Ware
George Hoffman
Frances Weber
Elton Brown
Carl Whipple
Nelson Irving
Helen Stone
Howard Moulton

From 1936 "The Assembler"

Class of 1934
Henry Arbeitman
Dorothy Blaisdell
Florence Brown
Dorothy Clark
Norman Gardner
J. Jan Jansen
Leona MacIver
Elinore McMann
Barbara Metcalf
Charlotte Metcalf
Virginia Olsen
Alice Paquette
Charles Salamano
Wilfred Winter
Lillian Somers
Edith Shanker
Elizabeth Peck
Wilfred Rowell

From 1936 "The Assembler"


Class of 1935
Herbert Albee
Constance Bishop
John Bishop
Alene Bowers
Evelyn Bowers
Harold Carlander
Janet Ferguson
Ida George
John Jansen
David Kennedy
Phyllis Madden
Robert Mader
Madelin Melvin
Kenneth Miller
Virginia Melbye
Lawrence Packard
Charles Roderick
Willard Rowell
Edna Shepherd
John Standish
Eldon Tucker
Marjorie Parkhurst

From the 1936 "The Assembler"


Class of 1936 Wrcntham High School
Lots Brown
Paul Carlander
Richard Clark
Francls Curtls
Lloyd Hatt
Arthur Hoffman
Vlvian Hogan
Ada Irvlng
Paullne Middleton
Paul Mullen
Everett Olsen
Thurber Raymond
Noma Starkey
Ralph Whipple
George Winter

Class of 1939 Wrentham High School
Lillian Taylor
Harr3et Anderson
Ella Armltage
Edith Blaisdell
Doris Brown
Lillian Clerc
Margaret Cobb
Edbury Enegren
Reed Fulton
Christinc Guild
Valmore Hadd
Doris Hall.
James Irbing
Marius Jansen.
Ellzabeth Keighley
Eleanor Lavigne
Francis L'Herault
Roy Lockwood
Lucille Maglott
Lorraine McDowell
Jane Metcalf
Ruth Metcalf
Sally Parkhurst
John Nash
Eleanor Olsen
Edward Peatfield
Ethel Power
James Proctor
Milton Raymond
Eunice Saks
Lillian Taylor
William Stringer
David Thompson
Jean Vogel
Ellzabeth Winter
Rober.t Wyllie
Doris Young

Class of 1940 Wrentham High School

ANDERSON, Lillian (Mrs. George Martin)
206 South Street
Wrentham, MA 02093

BARRETT, Robert Franklin (Adeline)
26 Woodard Road
Walpole, MA 02081

DEALS, Muriel Mae (Mrs. William Jones)
22 Lake Street
Wrentham, MA 02093

BENSON, Virginia Alice
43 Dundee Road
Arlington, MA 02174

BROWN, Doris Griffen (Mrs. Holly Renfro)
29 Chaparral Drive ,7/0
Kcrrville, TX 78028

BRYANT, Kenneth (Hope)
102 East Bacon Street, P.0. Box 1655
Plainville, MA 02762-0655

BRYANT, Owen Merrill (Helen)
50 Park Street
Wrentham, MA 02093 384-2788

COOK, Ernest Wesley (Esther)
42 Cook Circle
Wrentham, MA 02093

ENEGREN, Robert W., Sr.
73 Messenger Street
Plainville, MA 02762

EWING, Mary—A1ice (see Brad Raymond)

FITZGERALD, James (Agnes)
26 Edward Drive
Holyoke, MA 01040

FLOOD, William Henry (Barbara)
516 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090

GALLOTT, Isabel Virginia (Mrs. David
40 Sagamore Avenue Da1ross3
North Quincy, MA 02171

GARDNER, Raymond (Hazel)
Box 662
Wrentham, MA 02093

HADD, Helen Audrey (see Owen Bryant)

HURD, Eleanor Marguerite (Mrs. William Guifiard)
Franklin House Healthcare,
Chestnut Street
Franklin, MA 02038

43 Woodlawn Road
Randolph, MA 02368

JAMIESON, Lillian Virginia (Mrs. Harold
43 Dillingham Avenue Richardson)
Sandwich, MA 02563

LUND, Eileen (Mrs. Alex Taylor)
33 Bertram Street
North Attleboro, MA 02760

MULLEN, Barbara Gene (Mrs. Joe Barber)
201 Timpoochee Drive, Indian Harbor Beac
Eau Gallie, FL 32935

NASH, Mary Louise (Mrs. James McGowan)
399 Red Chimney Drive
Warwick, RI 02886

RAYMOND, Bradley Hickox (Mary-Alice)
458 South Street, Box 207
Wrentham, MA 02093

REDDING, George Morton (Annie)
Mt. View Road, P.O. Box 331
Fryeburg, ME 04037

SNOW, Frank Donald (Helen)
863 East Street
Wrentham, MA 02093

SODERQUIST, Selma Elizabeth (Mrs. AubreyHenry)
453 Hancock Street
Wrentham, MA 02093

WADE, Raymond Fred (Helen)
81 Gilmore Road
Wrentham, MA 02093 384-8302

WARREN, Rosemary King (Mrs. Robert Hulle)
2961 Winding Lane
Westlake Village, CA 91361

WEILER, Dorothea Christine(Mrs. Joe Metcal)

WOOD, Helen Beatrice (Mrs. Arthur Lally)
46 Hancock Street
Wrentham, MA 02093

WYLLIE, Edwin Julian
472 Pleasant Street
Franklin, MA 02038


Wrentham School, ca. 192os (Photo from Barbara Larson)

This photo of Wrentham Elementary School children has to been taken sometime in the 1920's. Barbara Larsen identified four people in the picture. "Upper left standing alone is Earle Stewart (bow for tie), beside him in the back row is Dick Farrar. Tallest girl in the back row with bow is Celia (Shanker?)... I have heard this name before from my mom but there is more writing under that name. My Aunt Dorothy Ross is sitting in front row far right. I'm sure that there are many more Wrentham townies - Paul Mullen should be in this photo... and also the Colleto kids." Many of these would be in the photo above this one. Earle Stewart, Richard Fay Farrar and Shankar are there. Stewart was born in 1914. Maybe 6 or 7 in photo putting it at 1920-1921. Farrar also born in 1914. Raymond George was born in 1915, maybe right end of third row, next to guy with tie. Donald Hunt Kirkton was born in 1914 and was living in Wrentham. My guess is he is the little boy in dark suit at right end between 2nd and third row. You can compare with his picture in his funeral program further down on the site. Cecilia Shankar was born 1913. Maybe 8 years old in photos.


Donald Kirkton, second row, 6th from left. Wrentham High School, 1929 (Photo from "Images of America, Wrentham" series.)

Wrentham Elementary.Front, 2nd from left: Ida Gertrude George. Front, 2nd from right: Wilfrid Murray Winter.