Each year the Austin Literacy Coalition hold the Adult Greater Austin Spelling Bee to raise fund for literacy. To enter you must raise about $1500. Teams consists of three members. The words are drawn from the National Spelling Bee List of Study Words. Rev. Rich Thompson a friend of Pat and Mel's recommended that Pat consider joining a team from Presbyterian churches. The first year of the Bee was 2004 and the Church Ladies (Congregational and Presbyterian), consisting of Pat Oakes, Susan Richter and Dallas Roper-Serumgard, were the winning team. They won again in 2005 when Kathy Blackburn replaced Dallas. Susan was visually impaired, however a remarkable speller. The team became three time champs with a 2006 win. In 2007 they tied for first place with a team from Any Baby Can. In 2008 they finished fourth. Pat skipped in 2009 and in 2010 a team of Pat, Susan Richter and Laura Stoddard took second place.
Pat’s team, Presbyterian-Congregational Church Ladies
This video is of the finals of the Austin Spelling Bee for Literacy 2006. Pat’s team won over 17 other teams, their third win in 3 years. $100,000 raised.
Susan Richter, Kathy Blackburn and Pat Oakes, The Church Ladies. Pat Oakes at right.
Anxious Pat Oakes spelling in 2007 Spelling Bee. Church Ladies team members, Susan Richter and Kathy Blackburn, praying in the background. They tied for first with the team Any Baby Can.
Kathy Blackburn, Pat Oakes and Susan Richter
The 2008 Spelling Bee was really crowded and the sound system was terrible. All the contestants had trouble hearing the word they were asked to spell. The Church Ladies in the confusion missed a word all could spell. They finish 4th out of 19 teams. They chose to retire from competition.
Pat didn't compete.
Church Ladies took second place.
2010 Church Ladies: Susan Richter, Laura Stoddard, Pat Oakes
Laura Stoddard, Pat Oakes, The Spelling Demons. Church Ladies took second place and Demons first.
Church Lady Pat Oakes being interviewed for cable news
Church Ladies Competing 2010
Mel and Pat Oakes
Mary Ann Neely, Carol Delatorre-Klausmeier, Margie Holland, part of the supporters.