Pat Oakes' Easter Eggs

Hildegard Kuehne Everett, a dear friend of Pat and Mel Oakes, and a life-long member of the Congregatrional Church of Austin (her parents were very early members of the church) taught her how to make Easter eggs, just as the old German settlers did in Fredericksburg--using bluebonnets and the papery part of onion skins. Hildegard’s father and mother, John Matthias and Marie Wild Kuehne were the children of German immigrants. Hildegard learned from friends and family how to make these beautiful eggs.

Pat Oakes and Hildegard Everett, Fellowship Room, Congregational Church of Austin.

Making the Eggs.

The bluebonnets sometimes bloom early and may be gone before Easter, so making them may not always be possible--but one can always dye the onion skin eggs. You could even make the bluebonnet eggs a week or so in advance. Children might also enjoy the process—with parental supervision, of course. Some of you may have bluebonnets nearby which you can pick. If you can get bluebonnets, you will need 4-5 per egg. Start early saving onion skins—here's hoping that stores have onions in supply (the yellow ones work best—purple will also work).

You will need white unboiled eggs, strips of cloth about 2 inches wide and 8-10 inches long, straight pins, a pot and lid for each group of eggs, and water. You use the same technique with each type of coloring agent. Take the uncooked egg in your hands and place the flowers or onion skins as close together as you can manage around the egg. Then take the cloth strips and carefully wrap the egg as closely/tightly as you can—being careful no to break the egg— until you have wrapped the whole egg. Carefully take a straight pin and secure the strip so that it will stay wound around the egg. Continue with the rest of the eggs. Place them in the pan, cover with water and a lid, bring to a boil, let boil for one minute, and then let sit off the heat for 30 minutes or so—more won’t hurt. Gently drain the eggs, cover with cold water (maybe put in some ice cubes) and let them sit until cool. Drain and remove the pins, strips, and the skins/flowers. Store in the refrigerator. Enjoy.