Marvin Ashford "Cootsy" Hartley and Janavee Virginia Tate Family

Marvin Ashford Hartley "Cootsy" and Catherine Elizabeth Jones





Marvin Ashford Hartley

George Leroy and Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley Family
Back: Samuel Richard, George Benjamin, Edward Lee, Alma Lee, Leila Mae
Front: George H. , George Leroy and Mary Elizabeth
Photo about 1902


Marvin Ashford & Janavee Virginia Tate Hartley

Marvin Ashford Hartley was born February 16, 1910, to George Leroy and Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley in Flora, MS. His siblings included, Alma Lee (Matthews), George Benjamin, Edward Lee, Leila Mae (Conrad), Samuel Richard, Margie Louise (Oakes), James Russell and Rudolf (still born). He married Janavee Virginia Tate on December 7, 1935 in Vicksburg, MS. Marvin was 25 and Janavee was 16. Janavee was born in Arkansas on May 25, 1919, to Roger Dewitt and Mary Gertrude Brown Tate. Janavee had one full sibling, Roger Dewitt Jr., and a number of step siblings, James William Wentworth (7/14/1919-6/13/1984). Lester W. , Nell and Francis W. Roger Sr. worked in a saw mill and retail grocery business. Janavee's birthday only 2 months before her half brother James William Wentworth

Marvin and Janavee had two daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Patricia Ann.

Marvin was a welder and saw filer. In 1940, he worked for Anderson Tully Lumber Company in Waltersville, MS. In 1943, he was a saw filer in Jackson, MS. In 1950 he worked as a saw filer in Grenada, MS. In 1957, they were living in Stuttgart, AR. After the war he worked for various sawmills. He skill at filing large ripsaw and replacing damaged saw teeth, made him a sought after employee.

Sadly Janavee passed away in 1941 at the age of 21.

Marvin next married Catherine Elizabeth Jones. Their children were daughters, Evalyon Sandram, Brenda, Camellia, Donna Catherine, Tina Jo, Rita Ka;, sons, Russell Durant, Marvin Leroy and Richard Hartsel.


Marvin died January 11, 1963 in Little Rock, AR at University Hospital. He was living in Madison, RK at the time of death. Catherine died December 9, 1986 in Ferriday, LA.



Marvin, Janavee and Catherine Hartley Gallery

Marvin and Janavee Tate Hartley.

Catherine Elizabeth Jones Hartley, Mary Elizabeth Hartley and Marvin Ashford Hartley. Occasion: Mary's marriage to Ralph Hildebrand, January 1958. Mary later married Richard Douglas Wood and they had one son, Jason.

Patricia Hartley putting garter on sister Mary Hartley on the occasion of Mary's marriage to Ralph Hildebrand.

Back: Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley, Margie Louise (Oakes), James Russell "Buddy", and Marvin Ashley "Cootze"
Front: Aileen (King), George Leroy Hartley,. Parents and siblings of Aileen Hartley.
Picture taken in Clinton, MS, about 1916 .

Samuel Richard 9 (1896), George Benjamin 10 (1995), Edward Lee 7 (1898), George L. 41 (1863), Unknown girl 6 (1899), Unknown child 1 1/2 (1903), Mary Elizabeth “Betty” 28 (1876), maybe Mary Caroline Hartley Talley in back,
ca 1905. The two children in white dresses are a mystery. Their ages appear to match being young siblings of the boys, however the other children in the family does not match their ages. Maybe they are neices and nephews. Ages don't match grandchildren. Mary Caroline never had children.

Robert Benjamin Varner, maternal grandfather of James Hartley
George L.Hartley, father of James Hartley
Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley, mother of James Hartley
George L.Hartley, father of James Hartley
Katherine and James Hartley
Margie and James Russell Hartley, sister and brother. ca 1909.
James Hartley and sister Aileen & J. C. King
Margie Hartley Oakes, James Russell Hartley and Aileen Hartley King, siblings.
Katherine Huff Hartley
Katherine Huff Hartley
Vivian Hartley
Aileen Hartley King (1914-84) sister of James Russel Hartley
Vivian Hartley Brasher. Vivian attended Northwest Junior College in Senatobia, MS. She took a 10 week course in anotomy and physiology. She then spent 18 months earning her RN degree and license. She made excellent grades.
Vivian Hartley Brasher
Vivian Hartley Brasher
Vivian Hartley Brasher, Mel Oakes and Katherine Huff Hartley
Back: Mel Oakes & Vivian Hartley Brasher
Fr: Beth, James B., Mardie, Sarah and Katherine Hartley
Water Valley, MS
Vivian Hartley, location unknown

James Brasher, Vivian Hartley Brasher, Raymond, Carole and Jim ca. 1958


Katherine Huff Harley, Vivian Hartley Brasher, Unknown, Pat Oakes, Unknown. In front Beth and Sarah Oakes


Katherine Huff Hartley, Mel Oakes, Vivian Hartley Brasher and Beth Oakes


Mel Oakes, Katherine HuffHartley, Vivian Hartley Brasher and Sarah and Beth Oakes

James and Vivian Hartley Brasher Grandson, Clint Brasher and his family.
Emma, Madison Wendy, Clint, Derek Adam Brasher
Front: Zachary

Aileen Hartley King
James C. and Vivian Hartley Brasher with sons James C. Jr and younger Raymond.
Vivian and James C. Jr.
Helen (Pete) King, daughter of JC and Aileen Hartley King, .
Aileen Hartley & Helen King, Aileen was sister of James Hartley
Mt. Olympus, Flora, MS, maybe school outing,
Leila Mae Hartley (1894-1953), photo from Mary Agnes Conrad
Sister of James Hartley .
Leila Mae Hartley, about 1914
(1894-1953) (Restored by Mel Oakes)
Leila Mae Hartley (1894-1953), sister of James Hartley
Leila Mae & Agnes Conrad at All Saints College, Vicksburg, MS, Leila however looks too young for this to be Agnes, maybe Leila
Rufus and Leila Mae Hartley Conrad, sister of James Hartley
Rufus and Leila Mae Hartley Conrad
From Left: Ninnie, Rufus, Ada & Heber Conrad, (Brothers & Sisters)
Rufus Conrad, Ninnie Conrad Hartley, Heber Conrad, Ada Conrad Graham, (Brothers and Sisters), Ninnie was married to James's brother Edward Lee Hartley.
Emily Ophelia Conrad-(Little-Grannie)-(1863-?). Rufus Conrad's mother. Namesake for Ninnie Ophelia Conrad Hartley.
Back:Mary Graham Hawkins & Ada Graham
Frt: Laura Hawkins & Emily Ophelia Jackson Conrad

Ninnie and Edward Lee Hartley, brother of James Hartley.

Jones Conrad, Edward Lee Hartley(1898-1948)
& John Stegall, Edward was brother to James Russell Hartley

Ninnie & Edward. Lee Hartley
Ninnie Conrad Hartley & Ada Conrad Graham, sisters
2008 Conrad-Hartley Reunion
Alma Lee Hartley, (1892-1954). married Grady Matthews. Older sister of James Hartly.
Alma Lee Hartley, Jean Matthews, her daughter said she made this graduation dress. ca 1910
Henry Grady Matthews, brother-in-law to James Hartley
Henry Grady Matthews & and brother Charles G.
Henry Grady Matthews & Hill Store, Flora, MS
Henry was the store manager. ca 1920s
Mary Elizabeth Hartley & Aileen Hartley at Green Hall, All Saints College, Vicksburg. Mother and daughter..
Henry & Jean Matthews, Flora 1932
House in background is their overseer home on plantation
Oakes Auto Parts 1931, Chris Oakes, Marvin Hartley, Willaim Reed, James Hartley, (Dr), James C. Deason, Fred Oakes. Marvin is James' brother. They all worked for James' brother-in-law, Fred Oakes, husband of his sister, Margie Louise.
Bennie Hartley & Leona Bowman. Bennie was brother of James Hartley.
Margie (3), James (2) Hartley. Sister and brother of James Hartley.
Margie (3) & James (2) Hartley, sister and brother of AileenHartley, gift from Frances Cronin, granddaughter of Ora Lee Hartley Hill who was a sister of George L. Hartley.
Alma Lee Hartley Matthews (1892-1954), sister of James Hartley.

Margie Louise Hartley, age 21, All Saints College, Vicksburg, 1927
Sister of James Hartley

Alma Lee Hartley Matthews and son William (Tete) Matthews
Sister of James Hartley

George Benjamin Hartley, brother of James Hartley
George Benjamin Hartley
Petrified Forest, Flora, MS. G. L. Hartley family lived in sight of the forest.
Marvin Ashley Hartley, brother of James Hartley
Catherine Elizabeth Jones (1917-86), 2nd wife of Marvin Hartley
Downtown Flora, Mississippi, three years after Margie Louise Hartley Oakes was born.
Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley Death Certificate. She was living with son, James Russell Hartley.