Edora Elizabeth Hartley (1856-1928) & John Elbert Wadford

Three children: William E. Wadford, Minnie Lee Wadford Bowers & Joseph Wadford

George H. and Mary Lucinda Caroline Dunigan Hartley Family
L to R: Francis (3), George H. (40), George Leroy (5), Edora Elizabeth (back) (13) and Mary Lucinda Caroline "Posy" (31).
Photo from about 1868

George Leroy and Mary Elizabeth Varner Hartley Family
Back: Samuel Richard, George Benjamin, Edward Lee, Alma Lee, Leila Mae
Front: George H. , George Leroy and Mary Elizabeth
George H. was father of Edora Elizabeth and George Leroy.
Photo about 1902

Edora Elizabeth Hartley Wadford also married a Ben Dawson, they had(two children, Georgia L.Dawson (1896–1980) and Lena Mae Dawson (1897–1979). Georgia married Stirling Poupard Hall, a machinist. Lena married Richard Andrew Alexande, a commercial fishermanr. Stirling and Georgia lived in Baton Rouge and Richad and Lena lived in Vicksburg. Some pictures of Stirling and Georgia's family was found in the Louisiana State University Special Collections. The photogragph and included below. Stirling was in France during WWII, he wrote letters to his mother that are in the collection.

Dora's last husband was a Leaver (no children). She is buried in Vicksburg, MS cemetery under name Leaver














Edora "Dora" Elizabeth Hartley and John Elbert Wadford Gallery

The picture above given to me by a relative was a mystery. The picture had Lee McClain written on it, however the clothing suggested and his daughter, Mabel confirmed, “That is not my father.” The picture above was about 1890 or so. Dora's husband, John Elbert Wadford, would match datewise. Slight evidence, since no known pictures exists of him. Nothing written on picture so far has been found.

Examining the picture closely it appeared to be two layered pictures. They were separated carefully using water, (advice from Sue Murphy an art conservator and close friend). There are several versions of the revealed photo below:


The cardboard backing had stamped “G. W. Hartle”, no y. The stamped name would have been long after the photo was taken and could be in error. On close examination I think I see Hartley along his right hairline. If this is George H. Hartley, then the picture is from 1850s as he was born in 1828 and appears to be 20-30. Hope to confirm the date of this picture by the high collar, (see exampls to right). In the middle picture, I have added eyes of G. H. from a later picture since in the original that information is lost, maybe due to an interaction with the paste. Note that this picture is a copy from an original as evidenced by the border on right and at bottom. The original may have been a tintype or albumen.


William E. Wadford (1875–1935)
Addie Wadford(1876-1946), wife of Will Wadford

Sam Wadford - on the left... children (L to R) are:

Audrey Mae Wadford(1923-) (just below and leaning on Sam, daughter of Sam (1902-69) & Viola(1895-1977) Wadford)
George Girard (standing to Sam's left)
Velma Girard (facing toward Sam)
Leroy Girard (with his overalls strap falling)
Girard children are Sam’s stepchildren. Viola was married also to George Gus Girard)

Sam was son of William E. & Addie Wadford
(Picture contributed by Sandy Seller)



I wish to acknowledge the generosity of Bobbie Jean Beyers Edwards, Bill and Marilyn Smith McHie, and the LSU Special Collections librarian, Mark Martin for providing the pictures and documents below. Bobbie Jean is a neice of Georgia Dawson Hall and Lena Mae Dawson Alexander. Marilyn is the daughter of Clyde William and Edna Hull Smith. Edna was my first cousin.


Stirling Poupard and Georgia L. Dawson Hall Gallery

Postcard photo of Stirling Poupard Hall, husband of Georgia L. Dawson Hall. Georgia was daughter of Elizabeth Dora Hartley and Ben Dawson. Location is likely somewhere in France during WWI. On April 24, 1919 Stirling embarked on the S. S. "Black Arrow" from Bordeauix. France. Their destination was Hoboken, N.J. They arrived on May 6, 1919 and was sent to Camp Merritt.He was in Casual Company No. 3, Signal Corps. His rank was Chauffer (CHR. SC. CAS.00.#3. Mother Mrs. Jennie Hall was contact. 628 Mills Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA. Before the war Stirling was a machinist.

Personal letters from Stirling Hall written during his military service in World War One are primarily to his sister Rosalie L. Hall and his mother Eugenie "Jennie" Poupard Hall. Certificates include Hall's baptism certificate from St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Baton Rouge, La., his honorable discharge certificate from the United States Army (May 26, 1919), and marriage certificate to Georgia L. Dawson from Warren County, Miss. (October 19, 1919). Photographs include pictures of family members and of Hall and fellow soldiers in France during World War I. Printed items include a death certificate for Hall's sister Virgil Mathilde Poupard Hall (August 1, 1900), a program from an exhibit of painters and sculptors presented by the Louisiana State University Human Economics Department that featured Hall's sister Rosalie Hall (November 13-20, 1927), a Baton Rouge High School commencement invitation (May 29, 1931), a funeral notice for Alexander Virgil Hall (September 13, 1931), a program from Louisiana State University's Diamond Jubilee (1935), and a laminated memorial obituary for Hall (April 3, 1966). Biographical Note: Stirling Poupard Hall was born on March 2, 1896, in Baton Rouge, La. He met his future wife Georgia L. Dawson in Vicksburg, Miss., where he moved with his parents Albert Burrell Hall and Eugenie "Jennie" Poupard Hall and four younger siblings in 1910. After returning to Baton Rouge in 1917 with his family, Hall worked as a machinist for W. C. Joubert Electric Company. He registered for the draft in June 1917 and was in service by August 1918. He was deployed to France in September 1918 and returned to the United States in May 1919. Hall married Dawson on October 19, 1919, in Warren County, Miss. He worked at Humble Oil Company and was a member of the Holy Name Society, Nicholson Post No. 38 American Legion and World War I Veterans. Hall died on April 1, 1966 in Baton Rouge, La.

Back of the postcard of Stirling in France. " Chauf. S. P. Hall in active service. Third from left on motorcycle. Souvenir de France a Madame Hall, 22 March 1919. C. Bueins (?). Madame Hall would be Stirling's mother, Eugenie "Jennie" Hall.

This was in the Stirling Poupard Hall box in the LSU Library Special Collections.A woman dressed in oversized uniform. Identity and location unknown.


Stirling Poupard Hall's enlistment record.

Stirling Poupard Hall's discharge paper.

Georgia L and Stirling Hall. Stirling, in uniform, was a chauffeur. Others in the photo are likely passengers.


Georgia L. Dawson Hall, she would be a first cousin of Margie Louise Hartly Oakes, my mother.



Stirling Poupard Hall


Stirling Poupard Hall


Rosalie Hall and her parents, Albert Burrell and Eugenie "Jenny" Poupard Hall.


Stirling Poupard Hall and his parents, Albert Burrell (1869–December 14, 1959) and Eugenie "Jennie" M. Poupard (1870–1956) Hall. Albert and Eugenie married in 1895.


Richard Alexander, Stirling Poupard Hall and Georgia Mae Hall. Christmas, about 1960, taken at Elizabeth Edora Bowers Strickland Bailey’s house. Elizabeth was the granddaughter of John Elbert and Elizabeth Dora Hartley Wadford.


Christmas 1961 at Elizabeth Edora Bowers Strickland Bailey’s house. From the left, Stirling P. Hall, Georgia Dawson Hall, Mayme Bowers Thompson, Stephen Gregory Strickland, Elizabeth Bowers Bailey, Anne Beyers, Diane Elizabeth Strickland, Lena Dawson Alexander, Bobbie Jean Beyers, Lurline Andrews Strickland (pregnant with Mark Andrew Strickland), and we think Richard Alexander with his back to camera.
Home of James P. and Bobbie Beard parents of Karen “Denise” Beard. Occasion was the wedding of Stephen Gregory Strickland and Denise Beard on June 9, 1973, in Vicksburg, MS.
Left to Right William Floyd Strickland, Jr., Lurline Andrews Strickland, Georgia Dawson Hall, Mark Andrew Strickland, Edith Andrews McKneely, Albert B. “Sonny” Edwards, Jr., Bobbie Beyers Edwards, Stella Kelley Andrews, Lena Dawson Alexander

Maybe Stirling Poupard and Georgia Dawson Hall Home



Unknown children


Maybe Hall dollhouse..

Richard and Lena Mae Dawson Alexander Gallery

Christmas 1961 at Elizabeth Edora Bowers Strickland Bailey’s house. From the left, Stirling P. Hall, Georgia Dawson Hall, Mayme Bowers Thompson, Stephen Gregory Strickland, Elizabeth Bowers Bailey, Anne Beyers, Diane Elizabeth Strickland, Lena Dawson Alexander, Bobbie Beyers, Lurline Andrews Strickland (pregnant with Mark Andrew Strickland), and we think Richard Alexander with his back to camera.
Richard Alexander, Stirling Poupard Hall and Georgia Mae Hall. Christmas, taken at Elizabeth Edora Bowers Strickland Bailey’s house. Elizabeth was the granddaughter of John Elbert and Elizabeth Dora Hartley Wadford. Picture migjht be same time as one above, Georgia's dress appears to be the same. Stirling shirt however is different. So maybe about 1960 or 1961.