Almira Augusta White Read letter to Grandnephew Robert S. Winter Jr., 1925


Almira Augusta White Read was known as Aunt "Gusty". She gave Robert S. Winter Jr. $1000 for his college fund. When she died, two years after the letter included here, she left her household goods to her niece Bertha White. Many years later, when Bob and Lois Winter were closing down the Winter Street house, they thought they were finished until they went up into the attic where they found a treasure trove time capsule. The punch ladle that Pat Oakes has is from there as are a number of silver serving pieces. Pat thinks the old rocker she has was up there, too.


Robert S. Winter Jr. (1916-2006)
Almira Augusta White Read (847-1927)



Letter from Augusta to Robert

Aunt Gusty letter to Robert, p1

Aunt Gusty letter to Robert, p2

Christina Darling Aunt Gusty letter to Robert, p3


Dear Robert,

I have been ? to your mother ever since Christmas to thank her for our Christmas present and I was very pleased to have the nice pudding that was fine and rich, I had a number of desserts with it and thought. I was almost in Detroit eating. The snapshots I was more than delighted with—your's and GrandPa were fine and I have so many little pictures of you and the others, I have just got me a folio to paste them in, so I want have to hunt when I want to look at you I had a letter from Aunt Bertha a little while ago and I suppose you hear more often than I do she said she was well but lots to do. Now how about the glasses? Do you like them. they make you look same old and very dignified. Hope they wil do lots of good. Now we have been having a pretty hard winter altho I have not felt the cold weather at all. At first in the falll I seeme to feel tha chill very much. That passed off and now I feel more like myself than I have since I fell two years ago. I am not near to lame as I was last winter amd don't suffer so much, sometimes I feel I would like to run. I get very tired sometimes then I lay down and rest, but if you were here I might have a game of checkers with you instead. I wonder if I wouldn't beat you Now I received a very fine Valentine this morning and that is the only one I have had, but never mind. I said Robert didn't forget his old auntie just the same. (Thanks)

I have not heard a word from you Uncle Alden since about Thanksgiving only what Aunt Bertha that Aunte Jane had her side attended to that all wish I were able to go out there, but I am not—have not been out, only across the street since middle of Dec. and it seems as if I can't wait for the ground to get dry. Have you got into school yet and how do yoou like your new home. Hope it will be dry and much nicer for you. I am sending a little cutting to let you read how popular your Aunt Bertha is getting. I had to have a new janitor and it had turned out fine gives me more hear all the time and uses less coal. Now I am sending you my Valentine in a little note for I couldn't get anywhere to find some Valentines. Spend it as you like or save it.

I will close now for I want to find a boy to mail this, will write soon to your mother. We are well, hope this finds you the same.

Love to all,

From Suntie A.